Meet the Team
Our team are highly trained in many areas and are happy to look after your general health and more specific requirements. We are dedicated to listening to you, discussing your physical and mental concerns in an honest and open fashion. We will provide you with up to date, evidence-based medical advice to make informed choices when it comes to managing your health.
​For many years our practice has been involved in the education of medical students and students may visit the practice to observe consultations as part of their curriculum. We always advise patients in advance if a student is present and will only invite a student to observe your consultation with your full permission.​
Dr Gráinne Ní Fhoghlú
MB BCh BAO DME DCh DOWH MICGP Dip Derm HDip Clt - IMC 22954
Dr Gráinne Ní Fhoghlú graduated from UCD in 1999. She spent two years working in hospital medicine in Cork and Waterford before completing her GP training in Galway in 2007. Dr Ní Fhoghlú completed diplomas in Medicine for the Elderly, Child Health, Women’s Health, Dermatology and Clinical Teaching while working in Galway.
Dr Ní Fhoghlú returned to Dungarvan in 2009 starting her local career in Abbeyside until the practice moved to the new Primary Care Centre in Dungarvan in 2019.
Dr Gráinne Ní Fhoghlú is registered with the Irish Medical Council and is a member of the Irish College of General Practitioners, she is a trainer on the South East GP Training Scheme since 2022.
Dr Karen Murphy
Dr Karen Murphy graduated from UCC in 2009. She completed intern year in various hospitals in Cork before working in Emergency Medicine in Australia. She then returned to Dublin and completed a medical training scheme in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital achieving Member of the Royal College of Physicians during this time.
In 2013 Dr Murphy moved to Waterford to undertook GP training in the South East Training Scheme gaining membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners. During this time she gained further qualification in Children’s Health, Palliative Care and Women’s health including contraception and menopause. She also completed a diploma in dermatology through Cardiff University and currently contributes to ICGP Dermatology Diploma teaching.
Dr Karen Murphy has lived and worked in Dungarvan since 2017 and is actively involved in Continuous Professional Development and remains engaged with continued learning.
Dr. Marcos Cioffi Romero
M.D. MCI - IMC 402249
We are pleased to introduce Dr. Marcos Cioffi Romero, a highly qualified medical
professional with an extensive background in surgery and general practice. Marcos
completed his medical degree in 2000 from the Federal University of Rio Grande in Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil. He went on to specialise in General Surgery and completed his
training in 2002. Marcos worked in Brazil until 2009 when he moved to Marbella, Spain. In
2011, he began his specialisation in General Practice, which included Family and Community Medicine.
In 2015, he completed his training and moved to Ireland where he worked in out-of-hours care with Caredoc until 2019. After spending two years back in Spain, he returned to Ireland in 2022 and joined the team at Springside Medical. Marcos brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our practice, and we are proud to have him on board.